Reading Between the Lines: Deciphering When Your Cat Is Sick

Whether they’re suffering from an illness or injury, cats instinctively hide symptoms. Hardwired to appear strong and stealthy at all times, cats know they may be easily targeted by predators if seen as weak.
Of course, indoor-only cats may not experience a specific risk from predators, but they’ll still hide under the bed or in the darkest corners of the closet when they’re not at their best. When cat owners are carefully tuned into the signs that their cat is sick, they not only ensure immediate help but may also prevent long-term complications.
Continue…Preventative Cat Care for Purrfect Pet Owners
Cats may have nine lives, but even these resilient creatures can succumb to disease and accidents. Luckily, with the ever-improving advances in veterinary medicine, we are learning more and more about how to prevent problems before they ever begin.
Preventative care for cats is an important part of pet ownership, especially when it comes to helping our fantastic feline friends living longer, healthier lives. Continue…