Avoiding Common Pet Poisons in the Home
Since the entire month of March is dedicated to poison awareness, with this week being National Poison Prevention Week, we thought it would be the opportune time to discuss household chemicals and your pets. Pet poisons can consist of everything from outdoor lawn chemicals to foods in our fridge, but how often do we overlook cleaning products as being potentially dangerous to pets?
Before you roll up your sleeves to tackle this season’s spring cleaning duties, here are some basic reminders about pet poison safety and how to keep your pet from being exposed to these noxious products.
Continue…For Their Own Good: Time to Focus on Pet Poison Prevention
At first glance, it might seem arbitrary that March is designated Pet Poison Prevention Month, but it’s actually the perfect time to raise awareness. We just finished one of the most chocolate-centric holidays of the year (thanks, Valentines, Day!), and we’re heading toward Easter. Not only that, but the spring season is just about to pop with seasonal color, along with plenty of opportunities for accidental pet poisonings.
With a little bit of diligence, we can avoid pet toxins and work toward enjoying the season together!
Continue…Keeping Your Pet Safe Around Poisonous Plants
Plants are easy prey for herbivores. Unable to evade hungry predators, many botanicals developed chemicals in order to stay safe and alive. They look so beautiful, and yet, many plants are capable of causing various maladies in both animals and people. To keep your pet safe around poisonous plants (inside the home and in the great outdoors), we offer some effective strategies:
Continue…Avoid the Emergency Room With Our Thanksgiving Pet Safety Tips

Of all the things most pet owners are grateful for this time of year, their pet’s health typically ranks pretty high on the list. But keeping them safe, comfortable and healthy isn’t always easy. With all the potential risks that face them, a few seasonal reminders sure do come in handy!
The concept of Thanksgiving pet safety may sound quite simple, but it’s more than just keeping your pet out of the kitchen. Whether you’re traveling or hosting this year, we hope that our tips keep your pet far away from harm.
Continue…Pet Toxins and the Great Outdoors
When we think of pet toxins, we often refer to the usual suspects: chocolate, poisonous plants (such as oleander), and automobile additives, like antifreeze. But, in regions like ours, where lush lawns, gardens, and agriculture are plentiful, there is an increased risk of exposure to harmful or carcinogenic herbicides, pesticides, and other chemicals.
Because we enjoy such a temperate climate in Georgia, we are also more prone to spending quite a bit of time outdoors with our family and pets. Whether we are entertaining on the deck or going for a jog through the park with our pooch, there are numerous possible pet toxins to be aware of and avoid. Continue…