Clairmont_iStock_000089409701_LargeConsidering all the potential mishaps that could befall your precious pet this summer, you might just resolve to stay home until September. Severe weather, heatstroke, accidental poisonings, and other dangers can quickly dampen a good summer mood. However, with our tips for summer pet safety, you can protect your companion from all the typical hazards this time of year.

A Neverending List

Some of the dangers to watch out for are fairly obvious while others are more surprising. Remember, the team at Clairmont Animal Hospital is always here to answer questions and concerns about summer pet safety.

Oh, so Sunny!

A pet left out in the sun can quickly overheat. If your pet likes to hang outside, be sure to provide ample shade and cool, fresh water. Restrict vigorous exercise to the early morning or evening hours when it’s not quite as hot. Lastly, never leave your pet in a parked vehicle.  

Senior pets, puppies and kittens, short-nosed breeds, and those with pre-existing health conditions should always be given extra attention on hot, sunny, humid days (which is most days here in Georgia). As a pet owner, it’s also a good idea to bone up on signs of heatstroke.

Pests Among Us

Last year, Atlanta was ranked among the worst cities for mosquitoes – with 65 different varieties, it’s no wonder! While their itchy bites are generally loathsome, mosquitoes also spread  heartworm disease to our pets. Other parasites, such as fleas and ticks, pose health hazards as well.

If your pet is not on a year round parasite preventive, diagnostics can reveal if he or she may be placed on one immediately. We recommend scheduling your pet’s wellness visit soon so we can address your summer pet safety needs.

Party Time

Hosting a backyard BBQ this summer? Planning on bringing your pet to the neighborhood block party? Both present wonderful opportunities to show off his or her training and social skills. However, be sure your pet avoids the following menu items:

  • Corn on the cob
  • Ribs, chicken wings, and other bones
  • Onions
  • Guacamole
  • Fruit salad containing grapes
  • Anything sweetened with Xylitol
  • Chocolate
  • Alcohol

Also know the signs of pet poisoning, and call us immediately if your pet is in danger.

Summer Pet Safety

Certain lawn and garden products are extremely toxic to pets. Be sure to keep all rodenticides, insecticides, and pesticides off the floor and out of reach (preferably in a locked cabinet).

If you and your pet like to joyride around Decatur (and who doesn’t during the summer?), please keep his or her head inside the moving car. Flying debris can land in your pet’s eyes, causing significant pain and damage.

Despite all the potential sumer dangers, our veterinarians and staff hope you and your pet only have fun in the sun this year. Please contact us for more summer pet safety tips. From all of us at Clairmont Animal Hospital, we wish you and your companion a safe and happy summer!