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Clairmont Animal Hospital Clairmont Animal Hospital

Phone: (404) 633‑6163
Address: 1226 Clairmont Road, Decatur, GA 30030

Veterinary Ophthalmology & Eye Care Solutions

Dogs and cats suffer from many of the same ocular health issues and diseases that affect humans. Cataracts, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, corneal injuries, tumors, and canine eyelid disease are all common ailments that your beloved companion may require treatment for throughout his or her life.

Cat having eyes examined

At Clairmont Animal Hospital, our veterinarians perform eye care examinations during your pet’s wellness care visits. During this time, your veterinarian will carefully examine your pet’s eyes using specialized equipment including:

  • Opthalmoscopes — To allow us to determine the health of the retina and vitreous humor in the eye
  • Tonometry — To allow us to measure intraocular eye pressures, which is critical to diagnosing glaucoma

If any eyes issues are found, we can prescribe treatment, and in more serious cases, we can also refer your pet to a veterinary ophthalmology specialist.

Our Veterinary Eye Care Treatments

Treatments that we can prescribe for ocular diseases and illnesses include:

Signs Your Pet May Suffer From Eye Problems

If your pet is experiencing any of the following conditions, do not wait for the symptoms to worsen. Please contact us as soon as possible.

  • A film or membrane covering the eye
  • Discharge
  • Fluid buildup on the eye
  • Pain
  • Swelling

To schedule your pet’s eye examination, please contact us today.