Clairmont_iStock_000089409701_LargeNow that the year is winding down, and the food, presents, and let’s not forget the treats and gifts for our pets, have all been enjoyed, it’s time to ring in 2017.

Whether you celebrate by quietly reflecting on the old year and making resolutions for the new or by partying until the wee hours of the night, your friends at Clairmont Animal Hospital like to celebrate by thinking about our animal friends.

One of our wishes for the new year is continued good health and wellbeing for our pet patients and for all animals. In order to help pet parents make the best possible lives for their pets, we are committed to pet owner education and useful information on topics related to pet care.

In this spirit, we give you our top five blogs of the year!

Clairmont Animal Hospital’s Top Five Blogs of 2016

  1. Walking Your Dog: Reasons to Get Moving! – Many dog owners may chuckle to learn that there is actually a National Walk Your Dog Month (we mean, aren’t they all); but seeing as January has this special designation, we’d like to take the opportunity to focus on what makes dog walking fun for everyone. Read More…
  2. Itchy And Scratchy: Our Guide To Fall Pet Allergies – If only pet allergies were relegated to a certain season (ahem, we’re looking at you, spring)… The truth is, however, they can affect any pet at any time throughout the year. Fall pet allergies are particularly irritating because there isn’t ever a break between pollinating autumnal weeds, such as ragweed, sagebrush, thistle, and cocklebur, that line thoroughfares and paths alike. But there is power in preparation – and when you know the source of the problem, treatment is more effective. Read More…
  3. Function, Comfort, And Safety: The Benefits Of A Pet Harness – When you envision a pet harness, images of sled dogs or assistance animals may come to mind, and your personal experience with either could be nil. Read More…Clairmont_iStock_000016233952_Large
  4. My Pet Ate My Homework! What Should I Do? – “My dog ate my homework” – although an age-old excuse for students, it is still a relevant concern among pet owners when it comes to pets eating something they should not. Pets have interesting habits. Of course, this is why humans feel so compelled to share time and space with species so unlike our own: it never gets old! When a pet’s proclivities turn dangerous, interesting quickly morphs into frightening. Read More…
  5. Cats and Boxes, a Match Made in Heaven – Feline fanatics everywhere know about the phenomenal relationship between cats and boxes. This almost comical attraction is what makes things like YouTube sensation Maru so relatable. Learn why cats are drawn to this commonplace household object and how Clairmont Animal Hospital is using this love affair between cats and boxes to make our veterinary hospital a kitty paradise. Read More…

Cordova_iStock_000021420809_MediumWe hope you have enjoyed our blog as much as we have enjoyed writing about pet health and wellness. If you have any topic requests or feedback, we would love to hear from you.

From all of us, have a festive, joyful, and pet-friendly New Year!