Dog VaccinationVaccination is frequently at the forefront of controversy in this country. At times, this controversy has spilled over into the veterinary world as well. While no medical procedure, including vaccination, is completely without risk, pet vaccinations remain a powerful means of preventing disease for animals.

Pet Vaccines Keep Pets Healthy

Vaccines are a way to help an individual’s body prepare to fight off a specific disease-causing organism. They stimulate the immune system to help produce antibodies against a certain disease. This way, if your pet is ever exposed to the actual disease, his or her body is ready to defend itself.

Although vaccines are relatively safe, none is without some risk. We take into account your pet’s individual needs and risk factors before recommending which vaccines an individual pet should receive.

Vaccination is one of the most effective ways that we have to prevent diseases and illnesses that harm and even kill pets. With the help of vaccines, many of these diseases such as canine distemper and feline panleukopenia are much less common.

How Pet Vaccines Save Money

When we vaccinate for diseases such as canine kennel cough, we decrease the length and severity of illness that our pets experience. This means that you might be able to avoid a sick visit, medications, and even be able to return to the dog park sooner than if your pet was not vaccinated.

Other diseases such as feline herpesvirus can make the pet downright miserable and result in the need for repeated vet visits. In the case of herpes, these visits may be a lifelong occurrence.

Pet Vaccines Can Keep People Healthy, Too

While we often don’t consider our health when vaccinating our pets, several diseases that pets can carry offer a human health risk as well. These are considered zoonotic diseases. The most commonly vaccinated against zoonotic diseases include:

  • Rabies – Virtually all pets should be vaccinated for rabies. This fatal viral disease can infect humans as well as animals. While rabies is much less prevalent now than a few decades ago, it is still a very serious concern.
  • Leptospirosis – This infectious bacteria found in wild animal urine can cause kidney and liver failure. About half of people who contract leptospirosis catch it from their dogs, making the vaccine very important for at-risk pets.

We can help you to determine which vaccines are most necessary for your pet in order to keep him or her healthy. We will ask you questions about your pet’s lifestyle and environment to come up with an individualized vaccination plan that makes sense for your animal.

Vaccination is a powerful weapon that we wield against disease and illness. When used correctly, it is important tool in preventative care and wellness.